Arad is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Bioengineering. He received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Arizona State University. His research focuses on the development of load monitoring technology and its use in activity monitoring.

Nate received his BS in Mechanical Engineering in 2009 from Brigham Young University. He then went on to work for NAVAIR and the Department of Defense before returning to pursue his passion for medicine. While at NAVAIR, his work for the Human Systems Division included research and development of a wide range of novel systems – including several projects for NASA. Nate is pursuing a PhD and his research interests are centered around technology development and translational medicine.

Stefan received his BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. He interned at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) helping develop a rapid administration cyanide antidote for first responders. Stefan is a pursuing his PhD, and is studying intra-abdominal pressure and its relationship with pelvic floor disorders in post-partum women through the Motherhood and Pelvic Health (MAP) study.

Harrison earned his BS in Exercise Science here at the University of Utah while assisting with manufacturing and research on the Motherhood and Pelvic Heath (MAP) study. He is currently pursuing a MS in Biomedical Engineering on the BioInnovate track and studying the relationship between intra-abdominal pressure and body position, measured in real time by the Hitchcock lab’s intra-vaginal pressure transducer and motion capture technology.